Tuesday, May 3, 2011

So I've recently become an Esty addict. I spend hours searching their artist websites and loving the projects and craftmanship on this website. I think of all the new projects I want to do and don't have the time for.

Anyway, in the search for my perfect camera bag I came across this artist Judy from Arkansas. She lives in the Ozark Mountains and makes these wonderful bags. I ordered the one above and unfortunately Judy has cancer and she was in the hospital for quite a time.When she was released she shipped me my wonderful bag. I was so excited upon opening it. The bag was wonderful and much better than my expectations of it. The fabric is beautiful and the detail of it is so nice. She is truety a great seamstress. The bag fits all my gear wonderfully and it is nice to carry around and use. It does not look like a normal Camera bag which I like.
Thank you Judy and I pray you stay well and make many many more bags.!!

If interested visit her site at

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