Working and planning on the addition.
We've been in our home almost 8 years now and I have wanted to finish the basement since we moved in. Now that we have Hayden we need more room for her toys, guests when they come to stay and just room in general for when she gets older and has friends over to play.

Since the beginning I have been wanting to put an addition on so I can move the water heater and furnace out of the middle of the basement and make it all one big open room. My friend Mike came by with an engineer and he said "why are you going to pay to put an addition on and make it a utility room. You could put nice windows in the addition part and have a great big open room that overlooks the yard." That was it.... My plans changed and I got very excited about doing the basement.

So now we are putting the same addition on but I am getting a beam to remove the support posts on the eold exterior of the house. The back room will be one big open area. I am also doing a fiberglass roof so we can have a deck off our kitchen. Room for a picnic table and grill.

Scott and I went and got the home equity loan so now wer're ready and working with Mike Ferrone on the plans.

Here are some pictures of what the back of the house looks like now. More updates as they come.

May 4, 2001
Here are some of my rough drawings for the addition